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Users With Two Versions Of LLAR Installed Resulting In Critical Error

Discover the steps to address a conflict arising from the simultaneous installation of two instances of LLAR on your website.

| May 24, 2023 | 2 Min Read

Update 5/25/2023: We have implemented version 2.25.18 of LLAR plugin that resolves the issue. Please update to the latest version of LLAR now. This is a solution to resolve plugin conflicts for some web hosting providers.

Certain web hosting providers automatically include our plugin in every WordPress website they host by placing it in the MU folder (Must-Use Folder). The LLAR plugin becomes mandatory, and users typically cannot uninstall it. We discussed this in detail in our article on LLAR in the MU folder. Nevertheless, there are specific circumstances where users retain the option to install our plugin through the standard plugin installation process. This, however, can lead to the simultaneous operation of two versions on the same website, which is not advisable. Such a scenario may result in conflicts and errors, as illustrated below.

How To Resolve This Issue

The solution is simple and only takes a few minutes.

Step #1: Remove the current version under the "Plugins" section (/wp-admin/plugins.php)

Step #2: Configure the current version of LLAR your web hosting provider installed for you.

You can find this version of the plugin under "Settings" in your WordPress admin dashboard.

After these steps are completed, your website will be fully operational again.

Unfortunately, you won't be using the latest version of LLAR, but rest assure it will be a safe and effective version. Plugins installed in the MU folder are controlled by the web host provider and are not updated as frequently. Our team does not have any control over this and we cannot force your web host provider to update MU plugins.

About the Author

Greg Fisher is the CMO and co-founder of Limit Login Attempts Reloaded, spearheading the company’s content and user acquisition.